In the summer of 2015, Pastor McClanahan began working with a local public radio station - KPFT, 90.1 FM - to develop a podcast. That podcast became a digital radio show called Sin Boldly. After four and a half years of doing a solo radio show, Pastor McClanahan decided to team up with the good folks at Theology on Tap Houston to work together for a new show called "Theology on Air." After continuing to do the show with KPFT, we decided to make it just a podcast and is now recorded in our new studio at First Lutheran. The show focuses on a combination of apologetics (defending Christianity to the outside world), discussing theological/biblical issues, discernment (seeking truth within the Christianity community), and commentary on current events. The podcast is available on most podcast platforms and is usually on Facebook Live at the Houston TOT Facebook page. If you still can't find it, you can always listen on Spotify or here.
This podcast only has sermons and occasional teaching material from First Lutheran. We know that as folks are considering which congregation to visit or join, they may want to know what is being taught at that congregation. So this podcast is for ease of access to the preaching and teaching material at First Lutheran.
When there is a pressing thought, concern, or maybe just for fun, Pastor McClanahan will write a short essay on the church's blog, called Sin Boldly. Click on the image to the left to be taken to that website. Topics include everything from liturgical pondering to social observations and commentary on the current state of the church. Enjoy!